"Editor performance is influenced by your site's content, just as it is for live sites. However, unlike live sites, where your site's content is loaded one page at a time, all of your Editor pages are loaded at once. Therefore Editor performance is affected both by the amount of content on each page, and the number of pages on your site."
1) 首先,我們建議你把Auto Save關閉,如圖示:
2) 另外,撇除網路丶電腦CPU速度丶RAM等等硬件因素,相信存取速度慢,有可能是網站內容過多。跟據Wix資料:
"Editor performance is influenced by your site's content, just as it is for live sites. However, unlike live sites, where your site's content is loaded one page at a time, all of your Editor pages are loaded at once. Therefore Editor performance is affected both by the amount of content on each page, and the number of pages on your site."
所以,如果想改善編輯器速度,如果可以,可考慮把頁面改成動態網頁,或把文章放進部落格,或把圖像放進圖庫等。精簡內容是其中一個辦法。 此外,Wix這些web app都包含大量 JavaScript。許多應用程序是使用 JavaScript 框架構建的,或者需要同時存取多個應用程序,並帶有幾個額外的依賴項。通常會添加第三方腳本和 API,包括 A/B 測試、跟踪像素以及地圖等功能,都必須下載所有這些 JavaScript。 3) 不好意思,"我的"記錄不能删除。
(1) 請問有改用無痕模式,再登入編輯器測試嗎 (2) 用其他瀏覽器測試可以嗎,例如 Firefox, Safari, Chrome比較一下 (3) 請問現在網站有幾個頁面 (4) 改用手機4G/5G網絡,連接桌面電腦看看有沒有差別